Кукла «Барыня-Осень» | podelki-doma.ru
Вы, наверное, помните фотографии народных кукол Олеси Косыревой. А сейчас на наш конкурс пришла еще одна авторская кукла Олеси — Барыня-Осень.
«Работаю в школе учителем краеведения и истории. С прошлого года занимаюсь изготовлением народной тряпичной куклы, в том числе с детьми начальных классов. Создана целая коллекция тряпичных кукол, некоторые из них уже были представлены на сайте «Креатифф на дому».
Хочу познакомить вас с куклой «БАРЫНЯ-ОСЕНЬ«.
Основа куклы — столбушка (в данном случае использовала 0,5 литровую пластмассовую бутылку, а засыпала в нее для устойчивости пшеницу),
далее одеваем куклу на свой вкус,
а на голову настоящий русский кокошник.
Ну и какая же осень без даров — пшено, ячмень, семечки и, конечно, цветы!
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Кукла Осенняя фея | podelki-doma.ru
Кукла Осенняя фея — это вторая работа Вилмы на наш конкурс «Все краски осени«. Кукла делается на основе народной куклы Убоженька. (Убоженька была тряпичной игровой куклой, изображавшей старую, больную, убогую или юродивую старушку. У этой куклы большая голова и маленькое туловище, ручек нет, а ножки тоненькие, с лоскутками ткани вместо обуви. Убоженьку делали из старых тряпок для того, чтобы дети, включая убогих людей в свои кукольные игры, учились терпению и состраданию, принимать людей такими, какие они есть.) Думаю, для современных детей такие куклы тоже пригодятся, ведь и в жизни их окружают не только молодые-красивые барби.
У Вилмы же получилась своя кукла — Осенняя фея, которой тоже не чуждо сострадание.
«Чтобы сделать такую куколку, понадобится:
- ткань белая (голова), кофейная (платье), в коричневых тонах (обувь и платок),
- наполнитель для головы,
- тонкий золотой шнурок для ручки сумочки,
- оранжевые нитки для волос,
- тонкая и толстая проволока для крыльев,
- натуральная веревка типа шпагата,
- серебристый кожзаменитель,
- акриловые краски (охра и алая), жесткая кисть,
- крепкие красные нитки и ножницы,
- клей,
- красный бисер (пожеланию).
Осенняя Фея
Голова — в белый квадрат ткани завернуть наполнитель и завязать нитью.
Ноги — на концах шнурков завязать узелки. Узелки аккуратно обернуть кусочками коричневой ткани и закрепить красной ниткой — это обувь.
Сборка — заготовку для ног сложить пополам и привязать к хвостику от головы.
Платье — обернуть тело тканью и обвязать ниткой ~ на 1 см ниже головы.
Крылья — толстую проволоку обмотать шпагатом и согнуть в форме крыльев, закрепить клеем. Негусто обмотать крылья тонкой медной проволокой. (Оба вида проволоки можно добыть из купленного для этих целей кабеля для интернета).
Прикрепить крылья к кукле ( я использовала шпагат).
Сумочка — вырезать 2 незеркальные детали из кожзаменителя и сложить их так, чтобы 1 сторона была блестящая, а другая — белая.
Вложить в середину золотую петельку и сшить детали через край.
Белую сторону покрасить желт акрилом, потом растереть по поверхности чуть-чуть красного (его лучше перед нанесением несколько подсушить). Высушить. Пропустить через петельку нитку и привязать под шеей куклы.
Волосы — пучок оранжевой пряжи перевязать посередине ниткой и примотать его под головой.
Прикрыть голову платком.
Сзади головы прикрепить небольшую петельку. Можно украсить бусами.»
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Müde von fehlenden Premieren im Kino wegen des rasenden Lebensrhythmus? Müde von der Tatsache, dass im Fernsehen die Filme zu einer ungünstigen Zeit für Sie ausgestrahlt werden? In deiner Familie teilen deine Verwandten oft die Fernbedienung vom Fernseher? Das Kind fragt nach Cartoons für Kinder, wenn Sie beschäftigt sind, und auf den Kanälen gibt es keine guten Cartoons? Und am Ende, Möchtest du nach einem harten Tag auf dem Sofa in deiner Kleidung nur entspannen, um einen interessanten Film oder eine Serie zu sehen?
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Game of Thrones | Season 8 Episode 3
CALM BEFORE THE STORM. *hell nah bitch we all gonna die*
The best serie i’ve seen ????
Arya has a smoking body
jorah lead the dothraki leader of the right flank brienne lead the northmen and the army of the vale leader of left flank greyworm lead the Unsullied leader of the middle while aegon and dany ride their dragons to fight the night king I like this ??
I’m just gonna say it. Everyone in the crypts, is fucked. That’s where they’re gonna be infiltrating Winterfell from. We already know Varys is going to die, and guess where he will be? They included the crypts in the opening credits, and the very first teaser for the season was there as well. It gets way too much acknowledgement. I’m willing to bet Grey Worm survives, but in that twist, Missandei dies as she will definitely be in the crypts. Mark my words, that’s what’s going to happen! Also, Rip: Brienne, Podrick, Jorrah, Ed, Jaime, probably Tormund and Davos, maybe Jon and/or Ghost, maybe Arya and/or Gendry, and probably Drogon or Rhaegal.
So many death flags in one episode…
Are y’all ready ?
Will someone please turn the lights on!
Que raiva ninguém assiste meu vídeo!!!!! Eu sei que vc é diferente e vai clicar aqui ne ❤ ru-tv.org/tv/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-QBsMSlgK_HY.html
I can see so many types of predictions for the next episode and the ending, I really feel we are going to get one of a hell shock when these episodes do come ??
Am I the only person who doesnt care for this show?
No one cares
Arya may kill the ice dragon with the spear that Gendry made for her. The night king might be killed by Jon. Daenerys will do the cleaning job to make these tasks easier for her future husband and in law.
Qhono: Never thought I’d die fighting side by side with an unsullied. Grey Worm: How about side by side with a friend.
So Avengers and This episode next weekend. Can’t possibly get better than that
It looks like a DC trailer, Dark and Dramatic lmao
Already seen the season 8 finales script. Samwell Tarly scoffs every cheese board in Westeros and explodes, destroying everything in his blast radius. Rip
Everyone: Let’s get some rest and try to get some sleep before the battle. Arya Stark: *_Every time I close my eyes, I wake up feeling so horny!_*
Spoiler Alert: Leonidas and 300 Spartans hold their ground and beat the White Walkers
I think in the next Episode many of us will die with our heroes. (but I don’t want to)
Like si eres fan 100% 🙂
Dont forget Ser Bron is coming for jaime and tyrion
Cersei’s gonna save them all asses in the end!
What if the Night King is flying to kings landing and will create whites in the south so as the living are pincered in the north from both sides, he would take hold of the capital of westeros and as tyrion said there are 1 million people in kings landing and as Jon said they may become 1 million more in the army of the dead. Just a thought 🙂
was anyone else concerned by how many times someone said ‘the crypts are the safest place to be’?? getting bad vibes
0:13 Look at their faces. I dont think the crypts are safe.
3vryon3 dies…
Podrick stole the show with that song , and brienne of fucking Tarth
Never seen an episode of this show? Just wondering is it worth watching?
I think the Red Wedding will be nothing compared to this.
Beijo no cu e gritaria
would be great if Baelish was still alive and the shows producers stopped appealing to the masses
Deaneys and John with 2 dragons are stronger than the night king. he will separate them Bradon is his toy. You know nothing John Snow!! Do not touch her, I dont want Deanerys to die :(( John is stupid!! Bran is controlled by the night king. His plan is a trap! This line is very important!! The scene between Jamie and Brandon: Jamie: Why didn’t you tell them? Brandon: You won’t be able to help US in this fight if I let THEM murder you first!! Jamie: What about afterwards? Brandon: How do you know there is an afterwards?!!!!! As I said in many comments many times Brandon is with the Night King. He uses US and THEM in one sentence. We know that Them is for Daeneys and her army, US is the Night King Army!! Brandon is not Brandon Stark anymore, the Night King showed him somethings by touching Brandon. After that Brandon’s behaviours changed. He is cold blodded and he talks like his body is Brandon Stark but inside he is someone else. We will see but my theory is that Brandon is with the Night King army or his body may be used by the Night King. In both ways he is with Night King. Us is the white army them is Deaneys army!!
Doesn´t look good for the good guys. CAN´T wait. And I should go to work tomorrow.
Can’t see anything. You guys ran out of money for lights?
game of thrones is bad lol
«The Dead are already here….» in the Crypts?
I see too many people say how the NK is gonna take Viserion and fly to King’s Landing. People, please, think. If the NK takes Viserion to KL, then what about Drogon and Rhaegal? They would just stomp the army of the dead. It won’t happen.
Dead, all of this smell dead
Tyrion: Anyone know a song? Podrick: «Home is behind the world ahead And there are many paths to tread Through shadow to the edge of night Until the stars are all alight. Mist and shadow Cloud and shade All shall fade All shall fade»
Who else posts comment on trending videos hopping to be noticed?
Never seen one minute of this show but plan too after this trailer !
The long night is here…
Podrick finally revealed what he did to them prostitutes….. off screen
Every episode is just amazing. And this one was so emotional, it made me feel so happy seeing everyone talking and drinking with eachother. I really hope non of my faivorite ones die 🙁
Say goodbye to your favorite characters
Gendry, Davos, Gilly, Jon, Sansa, Daenerys: The crypts with all the dead bodies are the SAFEST place in Winterfell when the dead-body resurrecting Night King arrives Me, an intellectual: Uh guys I have a feeling the crypts aren’t gonna be that safe
Got on top not some snowflakes homosexual makeup tutorials that make me sick????. Oh just a trailer for some soft p*** incest BS. But still at least it wasn’t put here by the snowflakes.
Jon: Are you ready for battle my queen? This is it. We either win or die. We need to be completely focused. Daenerys: I’m ready. Jon: By the way… I’m a Targaryen. I’m really your nephew. Daenerys: (stunned) Jon: Welp… the White Walkers are here. Let’s go fight!
Wish I had hbo lol
What if the night king goes to kings landing, storms the castle and then Cersei is given the choice to die fighting, or to jump from the same window as Tommen
Who i think will die: Grey Worm, Beric and Theon
Too many minor characters. Time for some clean up…eeny meenie miney moe
Sub to me
Is it just me, or have the past two episodes in season 8 been boring and very underwhelming.
They will win of course.. The main battle is versus cersie.. She wants the elephants lol
Anyone else pissed off that ghost is basically just a glorified dog that nobody gives a shit about anymore?
Game of thrones and mortal kombat and avengers this is the greatest weekend I’ve ever had
god this show has DRASTICALLY decreased in quality since the first four seasons. plotlines are stupid/often don’t make any sense, characters are empty shells of what they used to be, bad dialogue, no complexity, over reliance on cool cgi and battles, way too much stupid fan service moments… i can go on.
At 0:26 not sure if the shadow is another dead dragon?
Jamie: need a push? Bran: I need a hand.
I can’t wait for the next episode of game of thrones to come out
Gimli and Legolas are typing…
Tahtın sırası mı Dany, orospuluk yapma.
Am I the only one who gets emotional and teary eyed watching Brienne yelling at the frontlines, looking so brave? ?
I think the dead starks in the crypts are gonna rise and fight the wights like in the LOTR?
*Looks at calendar then the episode’s air date.*
Добейте 100 кому не трудно.
FUCKKKK i DONT want anyone to die
Cadê os BR?
LEAK WARNING: Shrek kills all ice monsters.
- Xtra Spice Mikey
I thought that was gonna be ‘ice warriors’ then. IF ONLY game of thrones was as good as Doctor who
- Ege Gogen
I could care less about the throne, because both Dany and Jon are more than likely going die during the recapture of Kings Landing. Either by Cersei’s doing or due to both Dany and Jon going at each others throats.
Hodor coming back as a white walker to kill Bran Stark should be an epic encounter to watch..
Wight hodor???
I can’t wait to see Aegon Targaryen aka Jon Snow VS The Night King. It has to be the prince that was promised to take down the King of the White Walkers.
Where’s little Robyn Arryn?
(Nearer my God, to thee plays)
arya is the 6 gendry is the 9 on episode 69
Who’s a huge fan that just doesn’t want to watch the next ep?
Jaime will die in Brienne’s arms, the women he loves. Just as he wanted.
Dany dies.
So lets start a discussion of who’s gonna die or better who is gonna stay alive ? I really think jamie, brienne, theon, greyworm and lady mormont are going to die:(
Dany has gone a bit cunty this season and I’m not liking it
Those dead people in the crypts are so gonna be raised.
Bet Knight King ain’t no we’re close he’s heading down to kings landed with his dragon to build his army n the south
I am looking forward to this episode just like every single one of them, but I also know it’s gonna be non stop fighting with the casual break when somebody dies in the arms of the one they love, their family or a friend. And I’m already exhausted thinking about watching that for 50-60 minutes. Oh and then we have Cerci and Euron plotting to make sure everybody in the north battle dies. Like I said I’m looking forward to it but there won’t be many surprises, except if Cerci and Euron decides to join them anyway, but if I could see that plot twist coming then it isn’t really a surprise is it
con sınov ölcek knks
in the next episode not any Lion will die. who will be the first to die? 1. grey joy 2.grey worm 3.grey scale sir jorah mormont If Jaime had to die i wish to see him falling from tower , pushed out by Night King — things he do for love…
???????? TREND #1 ??????????